Phillip J. Waldrup Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Phillip J. Waldrup Foundation’s first completed initiative was the endowment of
the Phillip J. Waldrup Memorial Scholarship Fund at the Southwest Collegiate
Institute for the Deaf of Howard College. The endowment and a Living Tree Memorial
are permanent reminders of a favorite time and place in Phillip’s life.
The endowment will award one annual scholarship each at the campuses of Southwest
Collegiate Institute for the Deaf pursuing sign language and other classes for the
hearing impaired. Phillip simultaneously attended Howard College in mainstream
classes while pursuing a bachelor degree in Computer Science.
Phillip became partially deaf at the age of 17 due to medical complications
attributed to medications given while undergoing treatment for kidney dialysis
and a ruptured appendix. He was a young man who triumphed and overcame in the midst
of all his trials and illnesses; yet he was considered by many as peaceful,
loving, joyous and outgoing.
One of his greatest concerns was for others to be treated fairly and not taken
advantage of. The Phillip J. Waldrup Foundation seeks to continue the stance taken
by the ending of his young life (August 2012).

The Phillip J. Waldrup Memorial Scholarship Fund endowment at the Southwest Collegiate Institute for the Deaf of Howard College was to given to Marcela Baca (SWCID), Big Springs, Texas.