The Casa Hogar Orphan Home is housing for 25 orphan children. I had traveled
to Mexico with a dear sister in Christ on a Missionary trip. While there
she asked if I wanted to go visit an orphanage home knowing that the
Foundation supported orphan children. While there, at the right place,
at the right time, God knew they needed help. Pastor Zuniga and his
wife asked me if I would support the work and I said yes. The only
problem would be how to get the funds they needed to them because it is
hard to get funds into some places unless you have a direct connection.
While at the orphanage, a gentlemen who the sister with me knew very well
came by and informed me that he goes to Houston, Texas every three months
for a Doctor appointment. So, he would come to Houston, we made contact
with him to delivery the funds and when he came back for the next Doctor
visit he would bring the receipts from the director for my records.
There is a way already made if you are doing what you have been ordained
to do. After serving them for four years, the director’s wife died and the
orphanage closed but our Foundation did what it was suppose to do for that