Hello My Dear Friend;
I wish you a warm welcome.
This website was prepared with the intent of providing you information
of what the Phillip J. Waldrup Foundation has already accomplished,
what it is accomplishing now and what we intend to accomplish in the
near future through the on-going financial support of our dear friends.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. If you would like
to make a donation, please
Best Regards;
Ella Waldrup,
Founder and CEO:
The Phillip J. Waldrup Foundation
3706 Darlinghurst
Houston, Texas 77045
Office Phone: +1 (832) 741-5518
eMail: info@pjwfglobal.org
NOTE: Ella is available for speaking engagements. You may contact her at the following email: speaker-request@pjwfglobal.org or by calling our office.